Meet Mayela

When did you start your journey in the yoga world? My journey began in the year 2010.

What type of yoga do you currently teach? Currently, I specialize in teaching classes of the Jivamukti Yoga method.

Why Jivamukti Yoga? When I took my first Jivamukti class in NY while on holiday, I found what I had been searching for years, and more! I found a method that deeply connects me with life in a creative and contemporary way. So, I decided and travel to take their 300-hour certification, followed by a 500-hour apprenticeship.

Upon completing my training, I took an exam to become an advanced teacher of the method. It was a transformative and beautiful experience. Moments that will stay with me forever.

  • Lineage is important to me because it gives me a sense of belonging, reminding me that I am part of a living tradition that has been passed from teacher to student for hundreds of years.

    I had the honor of studying with Sharon Gannon & David Life (founders of the Jivamukti Yoga method) in the beautiful forest and animal sanctuary in Woodstock, N.Y. They extensively studied with Sri Brahmananda Saraswati, Swami Nirmalananda, and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of the Ashtanga Yoga method.

    I maintain a connection with my teachers within the Jivamukti method, and this way, my passion and inspiration are constantly renewed.

  • 95hrs Kids Yoga Training, My Yoga Kids Evolution Yoga

    200hrs Yoga TT, Yogawell

    85hrs Pre-Postnatal Yoga TT, Becalmed Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga

    300hrs Jivamukti Yoga TT

    500hrs Jivamukti JATP

    Trauma Sensitive Yoga Training, Fundación Radika

    Anatomy Trains in Motion Training

    Art of Movement Training

    90hrs TRC (Teachers Refinement Course) Jivamukti Yoga

    Essential Yoga Anatomy, Jason C. Method

  • Doula Training, toLabor

    Birth Art Process Training, Birthing from Within

    Mentor Training, Birthing from Within

    Spinning Babies

    Lactation Education Training, UCSD

Thanks to my teachers for sharing their knowledge and inspire me. They are the flame that illuminates my practice and teaching.
— Mayela